TA Year 6 Open Evening 2024 👋
It was wonderful to see that so many of our prospective students and parents came to visit the school for our Open Evening last Thursday night. The hall was bursting at the seams to watch our school bands perform, and our staff were overwhelmed with how excited the children were to be in the school. We […]
With Me In Mind Visit!
On Tuesday 24th September the With Me In Mind bus was at Thrybergh Academy. With Me In Mind is one of the National Health Service Mental Health Support Teams (MHSTs), and there are teams based in both Doncaster and Rotherham. Thrybergh will be accessing their support later in the academic year! Click here to see what they offer
TA Science Club Week 3!
In week three of Science Club, the students made tropical themed ice cream, using everyday items that can be bought from your local shop! They combined salt and ice in a big bag, then added milkshake into a smaller bag. The small bag was then put into the large bag, and shaken until ice cream […]
Y10 Engineers!
This week, Thrybergh’s Y10 Engineers have been busy working on their spot welding, and they have all done such a fantastic job. Keep up the great work, Y10! #WeAreEquippedToLearn
TA Science Club Week 2!
In Science Club this week, we ended up having to change our plan a bit due to a technical issue. So, a huge thank you to Mr Davies and the Food Technology department for allowing us to use their area to make Space Buns! All students that came along worked well together and independently to […]
TA Proud Podium!
Last week, we held our Proud Podium, celebrating some of our students wonderful achievements! ⭐ Flo – Flo was successful in auditioning for the Robin Hood pantomime at the Rotherham Theatre this December, and has secured herself a speaking part in the show. Huge congratulations to Flo. ⭐ Ava – Since Ava has joined us […]
TA Science Club Week 1!
For our first Science Club of the school year, we investigated various chemical reactions! The students followed instructions to make their own elephant’s toothpaste, where they mixed hydrogen peroxide, yeast, and warm water together to see a chemical reaction coming out of the plastic bottle. They also investigated various endothermic and exothermic chemical reactions, finishing with The Screaming Jelly Baby where […]
TA Student Completes Ben Nevis!
During the Summer Holidays, one of our TA students Scarlett took on the mighty climb of Ben Nevis, one of the biggest mountains in the UK! She did such a fantastic job, reaching the top and not giving up, even through the cold and rain. Well done Scarlett, you’re an absolute superstar! #WeAreProudOfOurAchievements