Y10 Rotherham College Taster Visit!
Well done to all the Y10s on the Rotherham College taster visit today, your behaviour has been excellent. Everyone thoroughly enjoyed themselves, and took part in different activities throughout the day to get an idea of what they might like to do in the future. A big thank you to Rotherham College for welcoming us […]
Y10 Speakers Trust Workshop
On Wednesday 8th May, 16 Y10 students took part in a full day workshop led by a Speakers Trust trainer. Students developed their communication skills and expanded their comfort zones. They gained insights on overcoming nerves and learned how to listen and work together to give positive and constructive feedback to each other. Students were given time […]
Thrybergh Science Club Week 5!
In Science Club this week, the students looked at the process of making bread using the skills we have learnt this year in both Science & Food Technology to make our own samples of bread, with the option of adding cheese and seasoning. The students used their skills to follow the instructions provided, to make some […]
Y7/8 Theatre Trip!
Last month, Y7 and Y8 students travelled to the Sheffield Lyceum Theatre to see the touring production of ‘The 39 Steps’. The students thoroughly enjoyed the slapstick comedy and inventive staging, as four fearless actors played over 100 characters in this Hitchcock inspired comedy!
Thrybergh’s Peter Pan Pantomime!
Thrybergh Academy’s Easter panto sensation, Peter Pan, may seem like a distant memory but news is on the horizon. Keep your eyes peeled for an announcement about our next show… Well done to everyone for a great performance!
Thrybergh Science Club Week 4!
In Science Club this week, the students looked at bath bombs and the best ways to make them! They mixed together various everyday materials to find the best concentrations to create their bath bombs. Information on Science Club activities and the links to other departments can be found on the students Science Club Google Classroom, the […]
WPT Cross Trust Climbing Competition!
This week, the Outdoor Education Team ran a trust wide climbing competition with The Climbing Hangar and Rotherham School Games, for the schools’ climbing clubs, including Thrybergh Academy. The students all challenged themselves and pushed their boundaries to complete climbs in a friendly competitive environment. Pupils that took part from Thrybergh: – Bailey Lyon- Alfie Manwaring – […]
Thrybergh Science Club Week 3!
In Science Club this week, we took part in various practical tasks. First, we did the pinhole camera investigation, where we used pringle tubes to make pinhole cameras, in order to learn how imagery from cameras is created. We then made periscopes to find out how light can be reflected to help us see images, […]
Thrybergh Science Club Week 2!
In Science Club this week, we undertook various investigative practicals. Some of the investigations included: – The Creme Egg zip wire challenge, to see who could safely get their creme egg to the other side without falling out the fastest.- Building a pirate ship, to see who could store the most treasure before it started to sink.- […]
TA Student Council Tree Planting 🌳
At the end of last term, the Rotherham Borough Council Rangers invited Thrybergh Academy’s Student Council to support in the planting of fruit trees in the local community. After a briefing and demonstration from the rangers on how to plant the new pear and apple saplings, the students got stuck in to the task of […]