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“We aim to send all young people into an ever-changing world able and qualified to play their full part in it.”

Sponsored Walk Success 🥾🌲

Today, Thrybergh Academy students completed their annual sponsored walk in memory of Lilianna Jones, a former student of Thrybergh Academy, who sadly lost her battle to cancer earlier this year.  Despite the downpour and last minute route adjustments, the students persevered with the walk and made their way from school up to Thrybergh Reservoir, completing […]

WPT Young Musician of the Year 2023

On Thursday 12th October, WPT held the finals of the Young Musician of the Year competition. This was a fantastic evening with 25 students from KS1 to KS4 competing.  There was a wide range of instruments and styles of music played from Heavy Metal to Classical. All the secondary schools had students competing and some […]

Thrybergh Climbing Club

The Thrybergh Academy climbing club headed out on Tuesday 3rd October 2023 to spend the inset day climbing at Pleasley Vale Crag near Mansfield. This trip was to follow on from their Wharncliffe climbing trip earlier in the year. Some technical climbs were completed across the Amber Block and Frog Buttress areas of the crag.  The students who […]

The MacMillan Bake Sale total is in!

Last Thursday we held a MacMillan Bake Sale during our Y6 Transition Evening for parents and the following day during break for students.  We raised a fantastic £175 for MacMillan from selling a range of baked goods!  Well done to all who participated in holding this event and thank you to all who donated towards […]

Macmillan Bake Sale

Miss Ellerby, Mrs Wootton and the Student Council organised a Macmillan Cancer Support Bake Sale last night in the sports hall. This was a great success and they are so grateful for all the donations. There was enough cake left to deliver another bake sale today and the funds are currently being calculated!

School Photo Day

We would like to remind all students, parents and carers that school photo day is this Thursday. Photos will take place throughout the day and students will be notified when it is their year groups turn.  Students are reminded to wear full uniform and to look nice and smart as parents/ carers will be able […]

“What did you do at school today?” – RE Learning

“What did you do at school today?” “Nothing.” See below to find out what your child is currently learning about in Religious Education. September 2023 sees the launch of our new core Religious Education curriculum.  Year 7 students are currently exploring what we mean by the term ‘worldview’ and learning about the worldviews in our […]

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