Wellbeing Week – Rotherham CAMHS
This week, we’re focusing on the wellbeing of everyone who attends Thrybergh Academy. Children’s Wellbeing Practitioners are a service funded by the NHS, who can help students get further support with their mental health. Please click onto the link below to view the promotional leaflet. View the leaflet here
Black History Month
It’s Black History Month! It’s time to refocus and reflect on History and fill in the gaps.
World Restart a Heart Day
We will be taking part in World Restart a Heart Day on Friday 15th October 2021.
Vacancies for Rotherham Youth Cabinet
Rotherham Youth Cabinet are currently recruiting new Youth Councillors to represent Rotherham Young People locally and within the Yorkshire and Humber Region. As a Youth Councillor, young people have access to numerous developmental opportunities locally, regionally, and nationally, which have a positive impact on the lives of other young people. For example, RYC had young […]
The first STEAM Club of the new school year has been a huge success.
Y6 Open Evening
We would like to invite Y5 & Y6 children and their families to our interactive Open Evening ‘Step Into Thrybergh Academy’. You will; be able to tour the facilities, look at student’s work and meet staff and student ambassadors. Even if you have a child at Thrybergh Academy – we would love you to visit […]
Y11 Prefect Application Process
Calling all Y11! Would you like to become a Thrybergh Academy Prefect? What is a Prefect? A Prefect is a student who is an ambassador for Thrybergh Academy. They represent the ‘Thrybergh Way’ and are role models for the school community. A Prefect is a respected and recognised role within school. Why should I apply […]
Welcome back, Thrybergh!
Dear Parent/Carer, I’m writing this week to welcome you all back to the new academic year. We’ve had an incredibly busy week at Thrybergh and it’s been such a pleasure to welcome back all of our students. I would like to extend a warm welcome to the parents of all of our new Y7 students. […]