At Thrybergh Academy there is a clear link between good attendance and educational achievement. Regular and punctual attendance is vital if students are to benefit fully from the academic, personal and social opportunities which are offered to them within the school.
We understand students become unwell from time to time but we would ask you to consider the necessity of keeping them at home for minor illnesses. If they are not in school they are not learning and skipping lessons will inevitably have an impact on their grades.
In line with the Government and Local Authority Guidelines, we expect all our students to maintain an attendance level of 95%, therefore if your son/daughter attends for at least 95% of one school year they will have had less than 10 days absence.
Attendance over one school year if your son or daughter had:
- 98% attendance = less than 4 days absent from school
- 95% attendance = less than 10 days absent from school
- 90% attendance = less than 4 weeks absent from school
- 85% attendance = 5 ½ weeks absent from school
- 80% attendance = 7 ½ weeks absent from school
Remember, the greater the attendance the greater the achievement.
At Thrybergh Academy all students are expected to be in school in good time for registration. There is a warning bell at 8:40am and the registration closes at 8:45am. Good punctuality is vital for students to get the most out of their learning opportunities.
It is the responsibility of everyone in our academy that we teach our students the skills they will need in adult life and we would be failing in our duties should we not encourage and promote good attendance and punctuality. Students cannot expect to keep a job or college placement if they are continually absent or late. Our aim is for the students to develop a sense of responsibility and set positive patterns for their future and parents also play an important role in this.
The academy rewards good attendance and punctuality, however should a problem occur that may keep your child from attending, it is important that good communication links are established with us. This allows us to resolve any issues and ensure your child can return to their learning at the academy as soon as possible.
You can find more information by downloading our Attendance Policy or by contacting the Attendance Team who are always happy to answer any questions you have.
The local authority may decide to prosecute parents in instances where absence is unauthorised by the school. If this happens:
• parents can be fined up to £2,500 or imprisoned for failing to ensure that their child attends school regularly
• magistrates can also impose a parenting order, which means that the parent has to attend a counselling and guidance programme, usually a parenting class
• a penalty notice of £60 may be issued by the local authority as an alternative to prosecution. This rises to £120 if unpaid after 21 days but within 28 days. Failure to pay will normally lead to prosecution
You are responsible for:
• ensuring your children receive full time education
• their regular attendance at school
As the parent, you are committing an offence if you fail to make sure that your child attends school regularly, even if they are missing school without your knowledge.You run the risk of being issued with a penalty notice or being taken to court.
You should not expect your child’s school to agree to an absence for a holiday in term time.
The law says that parents do not have the right to take their child out of school for holidays during term time.
Recent amendments to school attendance regulations (which came into force from 1 September 2013), remove references to family holidays and extended leave and make it clear, that the Headteacher may not authorise any absence from school unless there are exceptional circumstances.
If you feel there are exceptional circumstances why your child needs to be absent from school, you should apply, in advance, by writing to the headteacher explaining clearly the dates and reasons you are requesting leave of absence.
If the school refuses a request for leave of absence and the child is still taken out of school this will be recorded as unauthorised absence and noted in the child’s record.
You may also receive a penalty notice for the period of absence.
Please note: all absences on the last day of term will be unauthorised unless we have medical evidence. This will count towards the fining process.
Ensure that your child attends school regularly and arrives on time. Lateness can be very disruptive for the class and your child. If your child is late after registration closes, this will be counted as an unauthorised absence.
If your child is absent from school you must: As early as you can on the first day of absence
- phone the school, or
- send a note
- call at the school, to notify them about the absence, the reason and expected return date
- provide medical evidence due to illness at all times
The reasons your child should not be kept away from school include:
- to look after brothers or sisters
- to mind the house
- to visit relatives
- for long weekends
- for shopping trips
- for birthdays
- for holidays during term time
Working together with Thrybergh Academy makes a difference for your child.
Help us to ensure that:
- rules are observed
- discipline is maintained
- other students and school staff are respected
- all tasks and homework are completed
- your schools buildings and facilities are cared for
We will inform you of:
- the daily starting and finishing time
- term and holiday dates
- other days when the school will be closed
We will inform you if:
- your child is not attending
- your child is frequently late
- homework is not being completed
- unacceptable behaviour in school