“We aim to send all young people into an ever-changing world able and qualified to play their full part in it.”


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TA Proud Podium!

Last week, we held another TA Proud Podium, celebrating some of our students fantastic achievements!


Delivered an assembly to Y7, Y8 and Y9 regarding the student council. Very brave thing to do!

⭐ Leanna Sludden       

⭐ Skye Fletcher                            

⭐ Marisca Ngwenya                   

⭐ Niamh Murray          

⭐ Alfie Smith 


⭐ Millie Jones – Millie is going above and beyond in Art producing some outstanding work outside of lessons. I am very proud of her dedication and the effort she is showing. Mr Burnham was very impressed with her work and asked that she be put forward for the pride podium.

⭐ Archie McCreath – Archie has been learning German on his own and is on a 22-day streak, he is able to write and read a full paragraph about the weather, himself and basic introductions. Very impressive!

⭐ Ellie Whitehouse – Ellie completed an assessment to a brilliant standard, she took on board everything they had been told to include and produced one of the best pieces of work in the class.

⭐ Lucy Smith – Lucy came first in her rowing competition at Bradford last weekend and was very excited to share this with me.

⭐ Billy Fletcher – Helping the PE department by refereeing a competitive school football fixture

⭐ Josh Hague – For being assistant manager in a school football fixture, seeking leadership opportunities

⭐ Summer Hewitt – Summer has 100% attendance and 0 behaviour points, this is an incredible improvement from last year, especially after facing some difficult personal challenges.  Well done Summer, keep it up!

⭐ Marissa Hewitt – Marrisa has 100% attendance and 0 behaviour points, this is an incredible improvement from last year, she has attended every lesson whilst in School and has a much better attitude towards learning.  Well done Marissa, keep it up.

⭐ Ashton Myers – Has improved his behaviour considerably this year and has received no CFCs so far this year. 

⭐ Tilly Herbert – Performed in RTSA’s production of Phantom of the Opera at the Civic. The performance was fantastic and she should be very proud.

⭐ Layla Scholes – Performed in RTSA’s production of Phantom of the Opera at the Civic. The performance was fantastic and she should be very proud.

⭐ Laura Patkanova – Laura has 0 behaviour points and improved attendance, this is an incredible improvement from last year, she has attended every lesson whilst in school and has a much better attitude towards learning.  Well done Laura, keep it up.

⭐ William Boyes – Won his last match at Ice hockey, supporting his team mates to score.


Well done everyone, you have made your school very proud!


School News

TA Science Club Week 6!

During week six of Science Club, the students investigated the use of polymers in everyday household products, following on from the Superheroes theme two weeks

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