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“We aim to send all young people into an ever-changing world able and qualified to play their full part in it.”


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Y7/8 Visit Crufts International Dog Show

On Thursday 11th March, 36 Y7 and Y8 students visited Crufts International Dog Show at the Birmingham NEC Arena. 
During this visit, students got the opportunity to see what is involved in preparing and showing dogs, especially Terrier and Hound breeds. They met some Police dogs and puppies, and learned how they are trained, and their role in the Police. They also met dog breeds such as the Tibetan Mastiff, and saw why selective breeding is used. As well as this, students had the chance to meet support dogs and learn about the vital role they play when supporting people daily. While at Crufts, everyone also got to watch Heelwork to Music, and Agility in the main arena. 
All students had a brilliant time, and represented Thrybergh Academy fantastically!
#WeListenToOthers #WeWorkHard
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School News

TA Proud Podium

We have had a very busy term at Thrybergh, with lots of our students taking part in things that they should be very proud of!

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