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“We aim to send all young people into an ever-changing world able and qualified to play their full part in it.”


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Thrybergh Science Club Week 5!

In Science Club this week, the students looked at the process of making bread using the skills we have learnt this year in both Science & Food Technology to make our own samples of bread, with the option of adding cheese and seasoning.
The students used their skills to follow the instructions provided, to make some great bread that they were able to take home with them. Everyone has improved so much throughout the year, and have been brilliant when it came to working as a team with regular attendees and new students! 
A big thank you to Mr Haigh and the Food Technology Department for allowing us to use their facilities, and for helping prepare the bread making activity.
Information on Science Club activities can be found on the students Science Club Google Classroom, the science corridor and on our social media page. If any students see anything they would potentially like to try out, let us know in school or through the Science Club Google Classroom, and we can look into this.
Great work, well done everyone!
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School News

TA Science Club

This week was another busy and enjoyable Science Club, where we prepared and cook chicken strips and chips by cutting up chicken breasts and adding

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