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“We aim to send all young people into an ever-changing world able and qualified to play their full part in it.”


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Thrybergh Science Club Week 4!

In Science Club this week, the students looked at bath bombs and the best ways to make them! They mixed together various everyday materials to find the best concentrations to create their bath bombs.  
Information on Science Club activities and the links to other departments can be found on the students Science Club Google Classroom, the science corridor and on our social media page. If any students see anything they would potentially like to try out, let us know in school or through the Science Club Google Classroom, and we can look into this!
For the students that attend Science Club every week, we are hoping to give out some t-shirts! If they would like to receive one, reply on Google Classroom or visit Mr Atkins.
Great work everyone, well done!
Thrybergh Logo - White - 2021
School News

TA Science Club

This week was another busy and enjoyable Science Club, where we prepared and cook chicken strips and chips by cutting up chicken breasts and adding

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Thrybergh Logo - White - 2021

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