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“We aim to send all young people into an ever-changing world able and qualified to play their full part in it.”


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Thrybergh Science Club Week 2!

In Science Club this week, we undertook various investigative practicals.
Some of the investigations included:
– The Creme Egg zip wire challenge, to see who could safely get their creme egg to the other side without falling out the fastest.
– Building a pirate ship, to see who could store the most treasure before it started to sink.
– Bottle flipping, to see who could flip and stand their bottle with different viscosity solutions the best and get it to stand in SC1.
Everyone had a good time, and helped each other out at times to complete the practical, which was great to see.
Well done Science Club!
Information on Science Club activities and the links to other departments will be found on the students Science Club Google Classroom.
Thrybergh Logo - White - 2021
School News

TA Science Club

This week was another busy and enjoyable Science Club, where we prepared and cook chicken strips and chips by cutting up chicken breasts and adding

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