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“We aim to send all young people into an ever-changing world able and qualified to play their full part in it.”


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Science Club Learn to Cook!

Science Club this week ventured down to another department in school where we looked at using various key skills that we learn in Science in other subjects and everyday life. Some of these skills were: how to follow a method/cooking instructions starting with collecting the equipment needed on the list before following the instructions which gave the pupils the amounts of ingredients they needed: flour, egg, milk, oil etc. The next challenge was to measure out the correct amounts and safely mix the ingredients together before using frying pans safely to cook what they had made. This is also an important  everyday skill they will need in life to survive. The final part was to clean away and tidy the equipment they had used ready for the next day.
We did this by visiting Food Technology and with the brilliant assistance of Mr Haigh, the Food Technology Teacher, for helping to facilitate this for us with the equipment and support the pupils of varying abilities needed produced their own pancakes to good standards.
The pupils had a great time and everyone worked really well and safely in another department to produce their own pancakes which they had the chance to add chocolate sauce, strawberries and grapes to and take home to eat.
Thrybergh Logo - White - 2021
School News

TA Science Club

This week was another busy and enjoyable Science Club, where we prepared and cook chicken strips and chips by cutting up chicken breasts and adding

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Thrybergh Logo - White - 2021

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