Y10 End of Year Awards Celebrations

On Tuesday afternoon, our week of celebrations for academic achievement this school year came to a close with Year 10’s Awards Assembly. Y10 cheered on their fellow peers as they collected a variety of awards including Subject Awards, 100% Attendance, Students of the Year and more. It was quite the celebration for their last awards […]
Y8 End of Year Awards Celebrations

On Tuesday, Year 8 showed us how hard they have worked this year with some fantastic awards being given out for Outstanding Effort, Excellent Attendance, Subjects and many more during their End of Year Awards Assembly. Congratulations to all Y8 students who received an award for their effort and commitment to their school learning and community […]
Y9 End of Year Awards Celebrations

On Monday afternoon, we had our second awards assembly of the day for Year 9. Parents were invited along to the event which showcased a variety of different awards, including 100% Attendance, Subject Awards, Outstanding Achievement, plus more. We would like to say a massive congratulations to every student who won an award, your hard […]
Y7 End of Year Awards Celebrations

This week has seen us hold our End of Year Awards Assemblies for Years 7-10 to celebrate their academic success and achievements for this school year. Year 7 were the first year group to be celebrated on Monday where awards were also given out for Subjects, Curriculum Support, Outstanding Effort, Top Students and many more! […]