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“We aim to send all young people into an ever-changing world able and qualified to play their full part in it.”


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WPT’s Easter Selfie Competition – Prizes To Be Won!

We’re inviting all students from across all of Wickersley Partnership Trust’s primary and secondary schools to enter our Easter selfie competition!

Here’s what you have to do:

Step 1 – take an Easter themed selfie/photo (we’re looking for everything from selfies in bunny costumes, to photos of impressive egg stashes, to shots of Easter sunsets)

Step 2 – caption your selfie/photo (all puns gratefully received!)

Step 3 – send the photo and caption to competitions@wickersleypt.org by Friday 9th April (please include your full name, school and year group)

The top 5 will win a prize, and the top 10 will be awarded a certificate. We will also be picking some out to feature in our WPT newsletter and social media.

We can’t wait to see all of your ‘eggcellent’ entries, good luck!

Thrybergh Logo - White - 2021
School News

TA Science Club

This week was another busy and enjoyable Science Club, where we prepared and cook chicken strips and chips by cutting up chicken breasts and adding

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Thrybergh Logo - White - 2021

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